Mount Annapurna Expedition (8091m)

Mt. Annpurna I lies in the western part of Nepal. It rises to 8091 meter above the sea level. Mr. Maurice Herzog of France first time scaled this mountain on June 3, 1950 via North Face. The position of this mountain lies on: Latitude: 270 51′ 42& quot; and Longitude:nbsp; 860 51′ 50″. First Nepali Climber: Mr. Sonam Wolang Sherpa topped this mountain on October 13, 1977. The Normal Ascent Route: North Face and Caravan Route: Ktm-Pokhara-Beni-Lete-BC. Until December 2007, there 159 climber had been summiteers had been climbed this mountain.
There is not only Mt. Annapurna I, Annapurna II, Annapurna III, Annapurna IV and many another mountain are available are there. Many tourist and Nepali had been come to see Mt. Annapurna and this area is the most popular mountain.

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu. Transfer to your hotel.
Day 02: Kathmandu.
Day 03: Kathmandu.
Day 04: Drive to Tatopani (1189m-3901ft). Overnight in lodge.
Day 05: Trek to Ghasa (2084m-6838ft). Overnight in lodge.
Day 06: Trek to Lete (2480m-8137ft). Overnight in lodge.
Day 07: Trek to Thulobogin. Overnight in camp.
Day 08: Trek over Thulobogin Pass (4281m-14046ft). Overnight in river camp.
Day 09: Mristi Khola. Overnight in camp.
Day 10: Mt. Annapurna Base Camp.
Day 11-40: Climbing Period Mt. Annapurna.
Day 41: Clean up Base Camp
Day 42: Trek back to Thulobogin. Overnight in camp.
Day 43: Trek to Lete. Overnight in lodge.
Day 44: Trek to Ghasa. Overnight in lodge.
Day 45: Trek to Tatopani. Overnight in lodge.
Day 46: Drive to Kathmandu. Transfer to your hotel.
Day 47: Kathmandu.
Day 48: Kathmandu
Day 49: Transfer to airport for departure.

All overland transportation as per itinerary
Farewell Dinner
Food, fuel, vegetable during trekking and Base Camp for Member & Staff
Expedition Permit, National Park fee
Sleeping Tent per client in BC
2 base camp staffs (1 cook & 1 Kitchen Boy)
1 Government Liaison Officer with daily wages, equipment & Insurance
Porters (30Kg. each) up to Base Camp per member including food, fuel & equipment etc
Porters (30Kg. each) return from Base Camp per member including food & equipment etc
Staff equipment, Daily wages, food, Insurance (personal, medical)

Climbing Gear, Personal equipment & Insurance including emergency evacuation
High Altitude Food & Equipment for Member & Sherpa
Climbing Sherpa and his equipment, wages, insurance, flights for climbing support
Main meal (Lunch and dinner) in Kathmandu
Personal nature expenses
Cargo Clearance and duty fee if needed
Garbage Deposit US$ 3000/ (It is refund after expedition)
Bonus and Tips
Personal expenses such as laundry, telephone calls, alcoholic beverages, bottled drinks including cold drinks and mineral water

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