Mount Ama Dablam Expedition (6812m)

The normal route to climb Mount Ama Dablam is from its South- West ridge. Most of the mountaineering beginners start their climbing through this Mount. Ama Dablam 6812m.Ama Dablam is a small snowcapped peak of 6812m lying in the Everest region. This South – West ridge is the normal and most popular route to ascend the Mt. Ama Dablam. This mountain is considered to be the most technical & difficult to climb. The mountaineers have to cross-difficult ice rocks and steep snow climbing one their climbing route.
Mountaineers usually have to pitch 3 high camps on the mountain of mount Ama Dablam 6812m.
To reach the first camp from base camp, the climbers have to pass the toughest and the difficult passing through the difficult saddle ridges; and then should turn to the north climbing up through the rocky ground and through the boulder.
We are in Camp one now. From Camp I – one has to cross the rocky bowl and should climb the ridge via to the fixed lines to Camp II. From Camp II after crossing over severe rocks and ridge which lead you to a camp 2.
The climbing route from Camp II is mostly with the steep mixed alleyways of rock, ice and snow. The route leads to the slope climb to snow ground and then passes through steep snow and ice tunnel then finally along the snow ridge go to Camp III,From here to the summit, it is steep climb on snow and ice to the right of a huge hanging glacier. From the Top of mount Ama Dablam very charming sceneries of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Island peak, Makalu, Khumbu Himalayan and rest of the snowcapped surrounded mountains can be envisioned.
Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel (1340m)
Day 02: Preparation day in Kathmandu
Day 03: Fly to Lukla and trek to Phakding (2800m) approx 4 hrs
Day 04: Trek from Phakding to Namche Bazaar (3440m approx 6hrs walk)
Day 05: Namche Bazaar rest day for acclimatization, you may walk to Everest view Hotel (3800m approx 2 hrs) seen Everest range mountain, back to Namche and visit Hilary and Sherpa museum.
Day 06: Trek from Namche Bazaar to Pangboche
Day 07: Trek to Ama Dablam Base camp (4400m Approx 4 hrs walk)
Day 08: Base Camp preparation.
Day 09-26: Climbing period
Day 27: Trek from Ama Dablam base camp to Namche
Day 28: Trek back to Lukla
Day 29: Fly from Lukla to Kathmandu
Day 30: Final Departure

3 Nights accommodation in Kathmandu with bed & Breakfast (3 star)
Permit fee of Ama Dablam 6812m. Expedition
Food for Trekking and expedition period
Expedition crew: Base camp Guide, Cook, Cook helper
Porters or Yak porter Lukla to Base camp & Base camp to Lukla
Kathmandu -Lukla – Kathmandu flights with Cargo 50 KG per member
Equipment allowance, daily allowance for Liaison officer, expedition crew insurance for Nepalese expedition crew.
1 tent for 1 person for Expedition
Mat, dining tent, Toilet tent, Mess tent, Store tent, Table and chairs trekking for the expedition
Local transportation in Kathmandu (Airport-hotel-airport)
Emergency Oxygen, Mask and regulator
Fare well dinner

PERSONAL equipment for climbing & trekking
Personal & medical Insurance of expedition
Climbing food, Gas & stove above Base camp
Lunch & dinner in Kathmandu
Emergency Rescue evacuation by helicopter incase needed
Walkie Talkie permit & personal satellite phone permit
Oxygen & Mask -regulator
Personal expenses
Bar Bills & beverage
Garbage Deposit and Deposit fee will be not refunded if the clients (climber) don’t take back their garbage to Namche Bazaar & Kathmandu.

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